Polytech Nantes, École d'ingénieurs
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Polytech Nantes, a French 'Grande École'

Polytech Nantes is the graduate school of engineering of the Nantes Université, accredited by the 'Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur' (CTI), the French institution awarding engineering degrees. It is located in an attractive area of strong economic and demographic growth.

Polytech Nantes is the founding member of the Polytech group, a national network of 16 graduate engineering schools in France. These schools award the French 'diplôme d'ingénieur' (equivalent to MSc) which is a national degree recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

Discover Polytech Nantes

Visionnez le film de présentation de l'école
School presentation video

Why choose Polytech Nantes
Why choose Polytech Nantes ?
International masters degrees Polytech Nantes
International masters

Attractive campus

The school, located on 2 campuses (Nantes and Saint-Nazaire), benefits from the scientific and educational environment of a university and is proud to offer a complete engineering education program.

Chantrerie Campus (Nantes)

The Chantrerie campus is located at the heart of 'Atlanpole', the technopole and BIC (Business and Innovation Centre) for the Greater Nantes area. Its modern and well-equipped buildings provide an ideal learning environment for engineering students.

This site hosts 5 graduate schools, with over 4,000 students, 2 university restaurants (R.U), a technology library and about 30 companies of advanced technologies.

Gavy Heinlex (Saint-Nazaire)

Nestled amongst the aeronautics and shipbuilding industries of Saint-Nazaire, the campus benefits from an industrial harbor environment. It is located nearby the magnificent Guérande Peninsula and its famous salt marshes, and a number of seaside resorts.

It hosts over 1,000 students in various engineering courses, a university restaurant and a university library, just a few meters from the sea.
Mis à jour le 12 February 2025.