Thermal Science, Energy and Mechanics

Diplôme d'ingénieur contrôlé par l'État


Accredited by the 'Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur' (CTI). Read more

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Periods spent abroad
Yes, Compulsory
A stay of at least 13 weeks abroad is compulsory during the three years of study. This mobility can take the form of a summer internship, an end-of-studies internship or a semester abroad.

Targeted audience

Targeted audience
Bac + 2 ; Bac + 4

Available in

Initial education (3 years)

Work and study program
Opportunities are open for professional training contracts during the 5th year of the engineering studies.
Gap year

A gap year is possible during the engineering cycle.




The objective of the Thermal science, Energy and Mechanics (TEM) specialty is to train engineers with general skills in mechanics, heat transfer and energetic and deep in climatic engineering, thermal industrial systems and shaping processes.


The engineer designs and optimizes systems, processes or industrial installations where energy conversions and heat transfer play a major role.
  • Designing and sizing new equipment: predicting, innovating, achieving maximum energy efficiency.
  • Implementing numerical simulation methods and tools to understand "state-of-the-art" issues.
  • Managing complex projects: integrating commercial and regulatory dimensions, taking into account environmental and social constraints as well as cultural differences.



Engineering students attend the Campus of Chantrerie in Nantes.


Entry requirement

Academic requirement

Admission process for French speaking students

French speaking students can apply directly on with a foreign scientific diploma and obtain a French engineering degree (Master’s degree in engineering). Selected students follow courses with fellow French students. Depending on the country where applicants are studying, they may be required to follow the “Etudes en France” studies & visa application process.

Admission process for non-french speaking students in Polytech partner universities

Initiated by the AVOSTTI Project, the Polytech Group has developed a 2 phase programme allowing students to start scientific/technological studies and French learning in their country and then to follow their engineering studies in France in one of its 14 engineering faculties. Current active partners are located in China : Ocean University of China (OUC) of Qingdao, South China University of Technology (SCUT - Guangzhou), Xidian University of Xi’an, etc.

Admission process for non-french speaking students from other universities

Several Polytech engineering faculties have developed bridging program (n+i, Polytech Mundus) allowing non-French speaking students (with a scientific Bachelor’s level) to gain French fluency and thus follow French engineering studies. The programme consists in a first year of intensive courses in French language and French scientific culture (with a scientific/technology major such as mechanics, computer science, electronics…) and 2 years of engineering studies among fellow French students.


Application procedure

Admission to initial training with student status is common to all schools in the Polytech network. This is a unique and valid application for all 15 schools, regardless of your academic background.


Thermal science, energy and mechanics program

5th year options: 

  • Expertise of energy systems
  • Thermal design and formatting
  • Transversal option (MAQSE-i): Quality, Safety and Environmental Management

The teacher-researchers mainly work in the LTeN - UMR 6607 (Laboratoire de Thermique et énergie de Nantes).

The engineering studies include three compulsory internships:

  • 3rd year: internship in a company (4 weeks minimum) 
  • 4th year: Internship in the student’s specialisation in a company or laboratory (8 to 15 weeks)
  • 5th year: end of studies internship in a contracted company or laboratory (18 weeks minimum)

A stay of at least 13 weeks abroad is compulsory during the three years of study. This mobility can take the form of a summer internship, an end-of-studies internship or a semester abroad.

What's next?

Career opportunities

Business sectors

  • Construction and public works
  • Refrigeration technology, air conditioning systems
  • Transport (automobiles, aeronautical and naval)
  • Energy conversion and distribution
  • Mechanics, metallurgy and plastics
Jobs opportunities
  • Development / Calculation Engineer
  • Integration Engineer, tests
  • R&D Engineer
  • Business Engineer


Tuition fee

Registration fees in the engineering studies (2022/2023)

Non scholarship-holder: 601* €
Scholarship-holder: 0 €
*Contribution of student life and campus : 95 €

Registration procedures

International office
Phone : +33(0)2 51 85 74 25


More information
International office
Phone : +33(0)2 51 85 74 25

Mis à jour le 04 November 2022.